Getting into any type of car accident can be horrifyingly frightening for anyone. Any serious serious accident oftentimes results in injuries and vehicle damage that lead to expensive medical bills, lost wages, and car repairs. When accidents are clearly caused by the negligence or carelessness of another driver, filing a lawsuit provides a legal avenue to pursue compensation for damages.
Certain common types of car accidents are more likely to warrant legal action than others. Here are some of the most frequent auto collision scenarios that lead to personal injury lawsuits.
Rear-End Collisions

One of the most prevalent car accidents is when one vehicle rear-ends another. This occurs when a trailing car fails to stop in time and crashes into the rear of the car in front of it. There are a few common causes of rear-end collisions:
Distracted driving is a major contributor, as activities like texting, changing music, eating, and more divert the driver’s attention from the road. This delays response times to stop safely. Following too closely also leads to collisions, as insufficient space between vehicles inhibits a driver’s ability to break in time if the lead car suddenly stops.
Excessive speeding reduces available reaction time while impaired driving slows reflexes and decision-making skills needed for prompt braking. Mechanical failures like faulty brakes or non-working tail lights on the trailing car also play a role in preventing quick stops or warnings to drivers ahead.
Since rear-end collisions happen when one car runs into another, the fault usually lies with the trailing driver. Their careless or negligent actions directly caused the crash, making them liable. Damages like medical expenses, lost income, whiplash injuries, and car repairs are pursued through a lawsuit.
Intersection Accidents
Another very frequent auto accident occurs at intersections, whether controlled by traffic signals, stop signs, or uncontrolled. Common causes of dangerous intersection crashes include:
- Running red lights or stop signs
- Failure to yield right-of-way
- Distracted or impaired driving
- Violating pedestrian right-of-way in crosswalks
Determining fault at an intersection can be more complex than a rear-end collision. It involves analyzing which driver had the legal right-of-way based on traffic signals, signs, and laws. Lawsuits arise when an injured victim was clearly not at fault, and the other driver’s actions were illegal and negligent.
Lane Change & Sideswipe Accidents

One irritating behavior is unsafe lane changes and sideswipes. This happens when a driver drifts over without signaling or checking, makes an abrupt unsignaled merge or lane change, fails to check their blindspot, or attempts risky passing by switching lanes.
While property damage from sideswipe accidents is often minor, injuries can still happen, especially at high speeds. When one driver is clearly at fault for an improper lane change or merge, the victimized driver has grounds to pursue compensation through a lawsuit.
Head-On Collision
Without a doubt, head-on crashes are among the most dangerous types of accidents. They happen when two vehicles traveling in opposite directions smash into each other front-first. Common types of car accidents like head-on collisions often result from:
- Distracted or drowsy driving into oncoming traffic
- Reckless passing on two-lane roads
- Driving the wrong way down divided highways
- Veering over the center line around a curve
Given the high probability of injury or death from the sheer impact forces involved, head-on wrecks frequently lead to lawsuits. Damages related to wrongful death, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, and severe disfigurement may be pursued.
Multi-Vehicle Pileup

Major highway accidents involving three or more vehicles can also lead to legal claims. Chain reaction rear-end collisions are common as an initial crash triggers successive impacts from vehicles unable to stop in time. Vehicles forced to abruptly slow or stop due to debris on the road also risk being rear-ended.
Failure to reduce speed due to traffic congestion ahead results in unsafe following distances and collisions. Poor visibility in bad weather inhibits perception of hazards and slowdowns ahead. With multiple parties involved, liability is determined case-by-case. Lawsuits help establish negligence and seek damages from at-fault drivers. This allows all injured parties to pursue financial recovery.
Common Injuries
The collisions described often lead to severe injuries with long-lasting effects. Rear impacts frequently cause whiplash, which strains the neck and spine, leading to ongoing pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. The sudden impact forces involved, especially in head-on crashes, can cause traumatic brain injuries like concussions, hemorrhaging, and loss of function.
High-force collisions also often fracture or dislocate vertebrae, crushing or severing the spinal cord and resulting in paralysis. Broken bones, particularly to vulnerable arms and legs, are very prevalent in accidents.
Blunt trauma from crashes can also rupture or burst internal organs like the liver, kidneys, spleen, and lungs. Shattering glass and twisting metal result in deep lacerations and blood loss.
Many accident victims develop emotional trauma like PTSD, anxiety, depression, and sleep disruption from the distressing event. Proper medical and psychological treatment for accident injuries is often prolonged and expensive.
What’s Next After an Accident?
Documenting the Scene

Proper documentation of the accident scene provides crucial evidence for determining fault and liability. Victims should take photos of damage to all vehicles, skid marks on the road, traffic signs or signals, and environmental conditions. Thoroughly documenting the accident provides proof needed to show how the other driver’s negligence directly caused the collision.
Seeking Medical Attention
Another key step is promptly seeking medical evaluation after an accident, even for seemingly minor injuries. Adrenaline can mask serious harm immediately after a collision. Full assessment within 24 hours documents wounds before bruising and inflammation develop. Early testing also detects internal injuries like organ damage or spinal issues.
Consult a Car Accident Attorney

After getting medical attention, the next vital step is to consult an experienced car accident attorney. An attorney protects your rights and best interests in critical ways throughout the claims process.
Besides that, they thoroughly analyze police reports, medical records, and evidence to build a compelling case proving the other driver’s fault and negligence. Attorneys negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf to maximize compensation for all documented losses related to the accident.
Common Types of Car Accidents: In Summary
Car accident lawsuits allow innocent victims to receive compensation for injuries, losses, and damages caused by negligent drivers. Rear-end, intersection, lane change, head-on, and multi-vehicle crashes are prime situations where driver carelessness or recklessness can and should be held legally accountable through personal injury claims. When pursuing financial recovery after any auto accident, the importance of consulting an experienced personal injury attorney can’t be overstated.