What have you decided to do for a career? Because of the availability of different career choices, it’s normal for students to feel perplexed about what particular job to pursue. For this reason, several students remain undecided about their plans while others waver between different possibilities after graduating. Between 50% and 75% of undergrads change their major at least once, while some switch their careers in the future. This confusion isn’t helpful for your career advancement endeavors.
If you are undecided about which vocation to pursue, narrow down your career aspirations to the things you do the best. Identify your strengths and weaknesses. Take suggestions from family and friends, but don’t base your career choice on half-hearted, poorly-informed recommendations. Here are some more tips to help you prepare for a career:
Prepare for continued learning
All professionals rely on continued learning to stay relevant in their jobs; it’s common knowledge. A student shouldn’t expect education to end after securing employment. Far from being the culmination of the student’s academic progress, employment is just another chapter in the student’s learning process. You can get ready for your future career by seeking advanced learning. For instance, you can get business graduate certificates online to gain a competitive advantage over your colleagues. Getting a certificate in DEI, writing, or marketing takes a few weeks, so you can also get one while working.
Delve into growth trends
Prepare for your future career after researching growth trends. Make a data-backed decision regarding which vocation’s best for you and how to climb the ladder of success in your chosen field. You can consult statistics published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to make an informed decision. It is an amazing resource for students and young professionals who want to get some insight into career growth trends for the coming decade.
Talk to some professionals

Discuss your career plans with some professionals already working in your preferred industry. These people can help you become familiar with the industry’s ups and pros and cons and career advancement prospects. Make them your mentors, or you can shadow them for a bit to see how they navigate their way to career success. Learn from pros to succeed in your career.
Think like an entrepreneur
When preparing for your future career, you must develop this sought-after skill, i.e., creativity. It’s important to be innovative and full of fancy new ideas to impress would-be employers. For that, you have to think like an entrepreneur. That’s the kind of person modern-day bosses are looking to hire: someone who can think outside the box and suggest newer/better ways to solve old problems. An innovative candidate can find employment opportunities knocking at their door after graduating.
Learn how to network

You need connections to advance in any industry. For this reason, seek mentors and shadow influential people to make the strongest connections possible. You can also join Reddit or Facebook groups, talk to people on sites like Reddit, maintain a strong LinkedIn presence, and use your social media profiles to make new associations. Attend seminars, webinars, trade shows, and other conferences to build a stronger network. These networking activities help you land high-paying jobs and get promotions within the field.
See who is hiring
Websites such as Indeed can let you know who’s hiring right now. You can create your profiles, make a CV, and apply for these jobs via Monster, Glassdoor, and ZipRecruiter. Your contacts and industry friends can inform you when they’re about to hire. So, watch out for new job offers.
Create your unique brand

When you maintain an active social media profile, it’s akin to establishing yourself as a brand. That’s how employers conduct talent hunts, fish for new hires, and measure candidates’ suitability. Bolster your unique brand by being different from the herd; develop certain skills your peers lack so you can hope to gain a competitive advantage over them. Promote yourself professionally, and don’t upload irrelevant stuff on your job profiles. Pro-tip:- keep your family accounts apolitical.
Leave your comfort zone
Students progress when they challenge themselves and strive to improve their skills. It isn’t possible to stay in your comfort zone and develop yourself professionally; come out of your shell. Try to push yourself beyond your limits, such as learning public dealing. Familiarize yourself with uncomfortable situations and take on new responsibilities. Here’s a practical example: many people were uncomfortable with using online platforms like LinkedIn to apply for jobs in the past but learned to use it. Since staying in your comfort zone will make you irrelevant!
Keep updating your resume

Over 90% of employers choose to hire applicants with work experience, while two-thirds of them like to go with someone with relevant work experience. For this reason, students and employees should focus on getting as much stuff on their resumes as possible. Look for internships, part-time jobs, freelancing opportunities, and even some gigs that pay nothing. Volunteer your time to help humanity and make your CV more appealing.
Keep developing yourself professionally
Having hard skills isn’t enough; employers are also looking for people with soft skills. That’s why you must focus on developing soft skills for your future career. These skills include communication, teamwork, public dealing, conflict resolution, critical thinking, problem-solving, and many others.

Whether you’ve graduated with a degree or not, it’s never too early to prepare for your future career. A student must network endlessly, progress academically, and develop professionally to stay employable. Talk to professionals working in the industry, gain more work experience, and work on your brand. Also, focus on your passions when preparing for your future career and invest in your education. You can gain additional certificates to become eligible for different positions within your chosen industry.