Keeping your website design up-to-date is key to having a well-oiled business running in today’s times. However, it’s not enough to simply create a website – you’ll also have to keep it updated so that it doesn’t become irrelevant, slow, and insecure. According to recent studies, almost 40% of internet users would re-consider using a product or service if the website is outdated. Don’t let this happen to you – here are 8 sights that it’s time to update your website design.
1. Your website is starting to run slow

One of the most obvious signs that your website is quickly becoming obsolete is its loading speed. Longer loading times means higher bounce-off rate, as your visitors will quickly get annoyed and simply decide to leave the website. To fix this, you’ll probably have to inspect your website infrastructure.
2. Your website is starting to look outdated
How your website looks matters more than you might think, as it’s a crucial element of each user’s experience. How difficult is your website to navigate? Does it feel clunky when compared to other websites? If so, you might need a website design agency to help with fine-tuning your site.
3. Your website isn’t mobile-friendly
Mobile-friendliness is becoming more and more important – according to recent statistics, more than 90% of the global internet population is accessing websites using a mobile phone. If your website isn’t properly displaying on mobile devices, you might be losing out on a significant percentage of your traffic.
4. Your website compares poorly to your competitors
Simply take a look at your direct competitors’ websites – do they look better, navigate better, and feel better than yours? If the answers are yes, it means it’s high time to update your website if you want to have any chance against them.
5. New content is hard to upload
Uploading new content or making small changes should not take hours and should not require any specialized knowledge. If your website is built on an obsolete platform, your crew is losing time and motivation by working with a clunky, cumbersome, and slow-working website.
6. Your analytics are looking poorly
If your key website analytics metrics are starting to degrade with time, it probably means it’s time to update your website design. Performance indicators such as bounce rate, average session length, and conversions are indicative of how much your users like your website. If they are starting to fall down, it’s probably time to update.
7. Your website’s security is outdated

Don’t neglect cybersecurity – many companies who did now regret it, facing serious lawsuits after having confidential user data leaked by hackers. Your site’s security should always be the first thing you update – if it’s currently vulnerable to attacks, don’t waste time and update it.
8. You’re ranking poorly in search engines
The rules of SEO are constantly changing, which means that if you don’t adapt to the newest trends, your website will start ranking worse and worse in search engines. Keywords change, user experience rises in importance for SEO, and Google now considers mobile-first design when ranking websites. If you’re ranking worse and worse on search engine results pages (SERPs), it’s probably time to update.
How to Design a Website
Creating an intuitive and user-friendly website is essential in today’s digital world. It allows people to access information quickly, learn about a company or organization efficiently, and purchase items online easily. Here are some tips on how to create a great website design that gets the job done.
Step 1: Determine Your Goals
Before you begin designing your website, it’s important to determine what the goal of your site will be. Are you creating a website for a business? Is it for entertainment? Or maybe you want to start a blog? Knowing what type of site you’re building will help guide the rest of the design process.
Step 2: Research Competitors or Similar Sites
Once you have determined your goals it’s time to start researching competitors and similar sites. Checking out other websites can provide insight into web trends, give ideas on what works well and allow inspiration for new page elements or features. However, don’t copy others, take their ideas and make them your own!
Step 3: Start Planning Out Pages & Content

With the goal of your site in mind, it’s time to start planning out pages and content. Make sure each page has a purpose, whether it’s providing more information about who you are or selling services or products. Write out descriptions for each page so that when it comes time to write content for them there is not as much guesswork involved. Additionally think about any visuals that could accompany the text such as images, videos, or even infographics.
Step 4: Consider Navigation Options & User Flow
It is important that users know how to find what they need on your website which makes creating navigation options key. Depending on how many pages there are considerations include a navigation bar so users can easily jump between different sections of the site with just one click. Additionally, think about designing an intuitive user flow by grouping related pages together into categories if possible such as having all product pages under an “Online Store” tab in the navigation bar instead of having them all scattered across various menus throughout the site.
Step 5: Design Aesthetics & Visual Elements
Now that all of the necessary structural elements have been put in place it’s time to think about aesthetics and visual elements that can help boost user experience and engagement with your website’s content. Consider color schemes as well as font types and sizes that fit with overall brand identity as well as other visual elements such as images/videos/illustrations etc… These visuals should be used strategically throughout the menus and corresponding pages so they bring attention without being too overbearing or distracting from important information like product details or prices etc…
Step 6: Test Everything Before Going Live
Once everything has been designed its time to test everything thoroughly before setting it live! Manually go through every page, both desktop and mobile versions (if applicable) looking at various links & buttons and making sure they lead where they should be leading – also try entering incorrect info in forms just make sure everything functions properly without any major errors showing up onscreen (as these could be seen by potential/existing customers!)